Rep. Tulsi Gabbard May be Liberal – But She Knows the Zio-made Syria War is Evil!
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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard May be Liberal – But She Knows the Zio-made Syria War is Evil!

By Dr. David Duke — We differ on much but Tulsi Gabbard is principled. She knows that ZOG wants this evil war in Syria to go on & that ZOG even support ISIS — all for Israel’s sake. Obama, Kerry, Biden, Clinton should all be charged by the Justice Department with Aiding and Abetting Terrorism and Treason to the United States of America for supporting both Al Qaeda (al-Nura) and ISIS in Syria against the only truly secular, Western-valued states in the Mideast: Syria and Lebanon!

The Wikileaks-divulged emails prove that Clinton knew that Saudi Arabia has been the “leading exporter of radical Muslim terrorism” and yet gave the Saudis millions of dollars in high-tech weapons and support in the UN.  For doing that, all these traitors deserve the maximum punishment by law!

This controversy between Tulsi and the traitor Neera proves once again why the Jewish-dominated media demonizes me.

I dare to tell the truth about the Zionist Occupied Government of the United States ZOG and the Zionist Occupied Media!

Without understanding that fact no one can understand the events of the times.

Without fighting the tyranny of the Jewish Establishment there can be no real freedom and no real peace!