
Major French newspaper prosecuted for criticizing Jewish supremacism

So, do you believe George Bush and Tony Blair when they talk about spreading “Freedom of Speech” and “democracy” to the rest of the world?

Read about the latest repression by the government of France against one of France’s most prestigious newspapers. Dare to utter the most mundane criticism of Jewish supremacists or the the apartheid state of Israel and one is likely to face huge fines and even jail sentences. In this case their was no jail sentence or large fine because perhaps to have done so against a leading newspaper would have been too much of an exposure of the Jewish supremacist attack on freedom. There have been many men without the deep financial resources of Le Monde who have been heavily fined and even jailed for criticizing Jewish supremacism. Of course, on the opposite hand you can freely refer to Palestinians as terrorists, or publish books in France such as Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners.” Goldhagen’s book suggests that mass murder may well be inherently part of the German character. How many thousands of books have suggested guilt for European people for American slavery or European Colonialism? How many have criticized the Chinese for their brutal and repressive role in Tibet? But, dare to utter any criticism of Jewish supremacism and extremism and you may land in jail. -dd

French newspaper’s reference
to Jews brings conviction

Le Monde editor ‘defamed Jews’

The Guardian, London, 04 June 2005 12:01

PARIS—A French appeal court has found the editor-in-chief of
Le Monde and the authors of an opinion piece in the paper guilty
of “racial defamation” against Israel and the Jewish people.

In a ruling greeted with applause by Jewish groups and some alarm by media lawyers, the court ordered Jean-Marie Colombani and the three writers to pay a symbolic one euro in damages to the France-Israel Association and to Lawyers Without Borders.

The two groups had alleged that the June 2002 article, headed “Israel-Palestine: the Cancer,” contained comments that “targeted
a whole nation, or a religious group in its quasi-globality,” and constituted racial defamation.

The offense was exacerbated, the groups said, by a “semantic slip” from the phrase “the Jews of Israel” to “Jews in general”; in other words, it referred to “the Jews” when it meant “certain Israelis”.

France, which has the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in western Europe, has seen tensions rise in recent years in parallel with the increase in violence in the Middle East. The French media are routinely accused of pro-Palestinian bias.

Article expressed sympathy for Jews

Colombani and the authors of the article—Edgar Morin, a sociologist; Daniele Sallenave, a writer and lecturer; and a French MEP, Sami Nair—argued that the extracts had been taken out of context from “a lengthy and more balanced piece” that “did not undermine or attack the fundamental values of democratic societies.”

But the appeals court overturned a lower court ruling, deciding last week that two passages did constitute a breach of France’s strict defamation law.

The first passage read: “It is hard to imagine that a nation of fugitives born of a people who have been subjected to the longest persecution in the history of humanity, who have suffered the worst humiliation and the worst contempt, should be capable, in the space of two generations, of transforming themselves into a people sure of themselves and dominating (of others) and, with the exception of an admirable minority, a scornful people that takes satisfaction in humiliating others.”

The second continued: “The Jews of Israel, descendants of an apartheid named the ghetto, ghettoize the Palestinians. The Jews who were humiliated, scorned and persecuted humiliate, scorn and persecute the Palestinians. The Jews who were the victims of a pitiless order impose their pitiless order on the Palestinians. The Jews, scapegoats for every wrong, make scapegoats of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority.”

Jews greet court decision

The French umbrella group for Jewish associations, CRIF, said it “noted with satisfaction” the appeal court ruling, adding that the verdict “clearly set limits on a deviation that consists of incriminating ‘the Jews’ in the name of a criticism of Israel.”

Lawyers were divided over the significance of the decision. Catherine Cohen, who acted for Le Monde and Mr. Nair, said she was taking the ruling to France’s highest court, because “we cannot allow jurisprudence like this to stand.

“The article was a critique of a policy, of [Israeli prime minister Ariel] Sharon’s policy, it wasn’t a racial criticism. The remarks were taken out of context.” The plaintiffs argued that they were against Jews, but a few paragraphs later, the piece says that all occupiers behave the same way.

“This is a very serious matter for intellectuals, for commentators who express their point of view on a very complex issue. Of course these authors are not anti-Jewish, nobody believes that. In reality, this kind of case does not belong in a court of law—the groups should have written their own rebuttal in the paper.”