
Frank Roman and John Young of European Americans United

One For the Haters

By Frank Roman and John Young

Audio Version

As everyone listening should know if they don’t already, the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center are two far-left groups that promote socially destructive ideas under the guise of “tolerance.” Both of these organizations are largely financed through the donations of wealthy contributors, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to discover that they are constantly issuing “Intelligence Reports” and “Threat Assessments” that far exaggerate and sometimes outright invent the danger posed by various groups and individuals. This generates a rather impressive income stream that allows these groups to pose as benevolent forces for civil rights on the one hand, while relentlessly working to criminalize thoughts they don’t like, censor the Internet, put people in jail for honest opinions – such as what their kinsmen in Europe do on a regular basis — and destroy our Second Amendment rights with the other hand. And that’s just for starters.

There are many probable explanations for the ADL’s spiteful behavior, but you can bet that sheer stupidity isn’t one of them. Probably their most powerful motivation is that — if they can stir up even ONE overt anti-Semitic statement or incident, it will enhance their income stream. As a result of its unethical behavior combined with hiding behind the veil of victimology and religion, the Anti Defamation League has probably generated more anti-Semitism than all of the so-called “Nazi” organizations combined. And if the nasty behavior that they undertake in the name of a People who never elected them results in innocent people being harmed, it causes them to gain both income and prominence, not to mention a good nights’ sleep. (…Full Article)


Also Hear:

Frank Roman’s inspiring interview on The Political CessPool!
