
Dr. Norman Finklestein Condemns Israel and Says Obama is “just one more corrupt politician”

And Read this powerful commentary by Dr. David Duke –Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a Jewish professor, the son of Jewish parents who survived German concentration camps of the Second World War. He dares to speak and write about the evils of Jewish supremacism and the Jewish supremacist state of Israel. In this interview with Russian TV he gives the viewer a clear idea of the enormity of the Jewish crimes against humanity in Gaza. He points out the insanity of the media focusing on the disarming of the Palestinians immediately after Israel has used horrendous weapons of mass destruction to slaughter and maim thousands, including over a thousand children. Indeed, it is Israel that should be disarmed!

He also bravely states that although the media puts out the line that Obama will offer a big change from former American policy, that in reality is exactly like those who proceeded him, completely controlled by the Zionists. The one thing I disagree with strongly with Finkelstein in this video is his statement that Israel is “completely controlled by the United States.” Some people might get the misimpression that somehow these insane pro-Zionist policies serve the real interests of America, when in fact they have cost America thousands of lives, caused America to become the target of international terrorism and have cost the American people trillions of dollars in taxes and in business revenue.

He should make it more clear that the United States itself is politically controlled by Jewish extremists who put Israel ahead of America. Jewish extremists dominate the Congress through powerful lobbying groups like AIPAC and being able to marshal a dominant percentage of political campaign contributions. Even the Washington Post casually admitted that a majority of campaign contributions for both major parties comes from Jews. Just as importantly, Jewish extremists have overwhelming ownership of the entertainment and news media. To quote the boasting words of the Los Angeles Jewish Times,

Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch’s News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout — however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so.” (Los Angeles Jewish Times , Oct. 29. 1999) [other sources claim Murdoch’s mother, Elisabeth J. Greene, is Jewish].

In addition to ownership of most of the mass media, there are tens of thousands of extremist Jews who serve in important controlling managerial and editorial positions throughout the mass media regardless of ownership. Much of that media is like Murdoch which is technically owned by Gentiles but has Jews in critical management positions and has veritably an army of Jews writing and producing the daily swill. This army of Jewish journalists, pundits, writers, scriptwriters, correspondents and others are always ready to serve the interests of Israel and the Jewish people in the media they create, edit and broadcast.

Only a tiny percentage of Jews will speak the truth on these issues, and those that do, such as the courageous Norman Finkelstein, suffer great harm to their careers and their reputations. Finkelstein has even pointed out that Gentiles who criticize Jewish power are even more defamed, silenced and effectively destroyed by the Jewish extremist power than are Jews that do so. For instance, he stated that only the fact that he is Jewish and that his parents were survivors of the Holocaust, enabled him to publish The Holocaust Industry, a book that a Gentile author could not have seen published and reviewed at all in the mainstream press.

Finkelstein also does not go far enough in explaining why the Israelis withdrew from Gaza exactly when Obama was coronated. It was not simply because the United States wanted a nice clean day for Obama’s ascension, it was because Obama is completely Israel’s boy in the White House, and their boy is a lot more effective for them if he is not percieved as such. His two closest handlers, “handlers,” perhaps “puppetmasters” is the better term, are two long time Jewish operatives, David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel. Simon Perez and all the leadership of Israel are ecstatic as to an Obama presidency. Why are they so happy?

What could be better for them than a new President that the world thinks is a clean break from past American foreign policy, a man touted in the media of the world as someone of almost god-like dimensions, but who is actually completely under the control of Jewish extremists.

Truly, how could the Zionist criminals ask for anything more? Of course Israel wanted to keep Obama’s hands clean from their holocaust in Gaza, for the longer they keep up the facade — the more he can do for them in critical aspects of the Zionist agenda such as invade another nation such as Iran, or in the guise of benevolent peace broker make sure that the peace offered to the Palestinians is one that they could not survive with.

The world, even the ADC (The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee), is already praising Obama on closing Guantanamo. What is the matter with these people, don’t they know of Obama’s pledges to AIPAC. Don’t they know his biggest contributors were Zionist Jews and Zionist bankers such as Goldman Sachs? Even John McCain on April 2, 2007 said he would close Guantanamo. What difference does it really make to Israel if the prisoners of Guantanamo are tortured in Cuba or in the the secret torture prisons set up in Eastern Europe or the dungeons of Egypt, or wherever? Knowing that he is actually their boy, It is in the interests of Zionists in media to make Obama look as positive as possible in the eyes of the world.

Then when the most important part of the Zionist agenda comes up, such as getting the world to turn the other way as it murders tens of thousands of people in an attack on Iran, or getting the world’s support for a new “peace process” that makes sure the Palestinians will not have viable or free state. When Obama starts facilitating the murder of more Palestinians and Lebanese and Iranians and God knows who else, the idiots who sing Obama’s praises find their rewards.

Look at Obama’s obscene pledges to AIPAC and Israel. Consider his denial of the Israeli terror and suppression of the Palestinians. Open your eyes to his appointment of an army of Jewish supremacists surrounding him such as one of the most evil Zionists in the world, Rahm Emmanuel, as his Chief of Staff.

Anyone who praises Obama will only enable him to do more damage to both the American and Palestinian people.

That goes for the press, the left or the right, the Jewish ADL or the Arab response to it, the ADC.

With Obama, the Zionist are setting up the Americans, the Palestinians and the World for catastrophe.

–Dr. David Duke

Here is the Video Link for Norman Finkelstein on Russian TV