
David Duke says Impeach George Bush! Impeach Him Now!

David Duke says:

Impeach George Bush!

Impeach Him Now!

The consensus of the sixteen top U.S. Government intelligence agencies is that Iran has not pursued any program to build an atomic bomb for at least the last five years. This is in the face of President Bush and countless politicians and media pundits over the last 5 years making repeated threats of possible war, even nuclear strikes against Iran, for a weapon’s program that they knew didn’t even exist!

The evidence of Iran’s forebearance to build nuclear weapons must be very powerful, as many of those agencies are obviously influenced by those who want war and the agencies are heavily infiltrated by Jewish extremists. In my opinion, the fact that this statement was made shows evidence of Iran’s innocence is simply overwhelming.

It shows once more that the Neocons and their puppet George Bush have been lying to us about Iran for at least 5 years, fomenting war against an innocent nation. Accusing pre-Second World War Germany of “planning an aggressive war,” America led the prosecution at Nuremberg. Is President Bush not guilty of those charges. America is now seen by the world as a rogue, terrorist nation, launching a lie-fomented Iraq War for Israel’s strategic interests, and trying to launch a devastating war on Iran for Israel.

Not only has Iraq suffered in this Jewish extremist war, what has George Bush’s lying war against Iraq cost the American people? How about thousands of American dead. Tens of thousands of Americans maimed, brain-damaged and crippled. Trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money wasted on behalf this war for Israel. How about the world wide Hatred generated against America, the millions of people all over the world who now want to do us harm.

Bush has accomplished the opposite of his stated original aims of the war, for far from lessening the terrorist threat to the world, it has only increased the hatred against America and fueled the terrorist threat against us and our allies.

In every way George Bush and his Neocon handlers have been a catastrophe for true American interests.

And, now the latest reports of the intelligence agencies show once again for all to see that traitors (I know that traitors is a strong word) rule over our people.

Only traitors would kill or ruin the lives of thens of thousands of Americans in a war that only harms America rather than helps her or makes her more secure. Only traitors would try to get us America into another catastrophic war, a war with Iran, even though they must have known that there was much evidence against Iran pursuing nuclear weapons. Even the United Nations IAEA inspectors have repeatedly said that they see no evidence of Iran illegally pursuing a weapon.

As terrible and unconscionable as the 9-11 attacks were, George Bush has created in Iraq, of his own doing, a 9-11 tragedy times 50! Every American serviceman victim and the family members who have had loved-ones injured, mentally harmed, or killed in Iraq have suffered a personal 9-11. America has spent more and will spend more because the Iraq War than a hundred 9-11s.

And now, this supine servant of the Israeli extremists and their unholy influence over American politics and media, have tried to create an even more devastating war against Iran, and once again, all of his machinations and of his Jewish-supremacist bosses have turned out to be nothing but lies.

For high crimes of violation of the Constitution of the United States, for treason and lying to the American people repeatedly, I call for the U.S. Congress to open impeachment proceedings against George Bush. And I call on an independent prosecutor, as we can’t relay on the Zionist extremist, torture-advocate, Michael Mukasey, to launch trials for treason against the Neocons who have conspired to cause the death of American servicemen in the service of foreign power.

We can’t wait until next year’s presidential election!

I say Impeach George Bush! Impeach him now!


David Duke
Former member of the House of Representatives
State of Louisiana
United States of America