Human Diversity

David Duke on Kramer, the "N Word", Racism, Violence, Israel and Palestinians

David Duke on Kramer, the “N Word”, Racism, Violence, Israel and Palestinians

Transcript by Virginia Gentlewoman
November 22th, 2006

An excerpt from his archived show:

“I’m often accused of all kinds of radical statements, in fact, any time there is any sort of racism or anti-Semitism my name is used as the example. ‘Oh he sounds like David Duke’. They did that recently with the statement with the fellow that plays Kramer on Seinfeld, and he used the ‘N’ word, and repeatedly, and was very insulting to the Black members of the audience after they interrupted his comedy routine. I’ve read in a number of publications all over the United States, and you can see it for yourself in a Google search just put in there Kramer, Seinfeld and David Duke, and many people compared his tirade to me. They said ‘this sounds like something David Duke would say’. In fact, the Seinfeld show, quite often, would even take potshots at me during the show. But, other than some spurious quotes that the ADL uses from 30 years ago, which aren’t even accurate; I’ve made thousands of speeches, I’ve done thousands of interviews, and I don’t use the ‘N’ word, and I try to speak respectfully.

“I do believe that there are differences among people, and differences among races. I do believe that forced integration is not a good thing; that people should be allowed to associate with whom they like. But I’m not teaching hatred. I’m not using epithets against anyone. And I’m not a White supremacist; no matter how many times the media would like to lay that label upon me. In my whole life, I can’t come close to the statements of Jewish extremists like Yitzhak Ginzberg, who said that somehow it’s moral to kill a Gentile, basically, to take his bodily organs and give it to a Jew who might need one. I have never advocated violence and condemned violence repeatedly and forcefully.

“And we have these incredible exceptions. I remember in Hungary I was interviewed by a couple of Jewish interviewers, and they kept just saying these horrendous things about me. In fact, one of them was comparing me to Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, and all these people. The funny thing is there’s never been an allegation of violence in my life against anyone. I’ve never advocated violence. In fact, even the ADL admits that; that I was always an advocate of non-violence, that I was an advocate of legality in dealing with other peoples. They used to say that I ran a more educated Klan, of course that was years ago; it’s been almost 30 years ago since I was in a Klan group as a young man, and my group was non-violent. There was never even a single member of my organization that was ever charged with any sort of violence against minorities. And you know, if there was anybody who was involved, if they had any allegation whatsoever, do you think that would have been brought up during my campaign and be used against me? They couldn’t use that against me during my political campaigns later, because there were no allegations. Yet, I’m compared to Pol Pot; I’m compared to mass murderers. Even Ariel Sharon is not compared to these kind of people. And they get a free pass; they visit with Presidents. Ariel Sharon is a mass murderer of Sabra and Shatilla. He’s in a coma right now. May God have mercy on his soul. But, you see the double standards that exist here.

“I’m called a “White supremacist”, this is according to the newspapers, but I’m not according to everything I write and teach. I’m not for one race controlling any other race. I’m not for colonialism; I’m not for supremacy; but I believe in that every people has a right to survive, to exist, to control their own destiny, to be proud of their own heritage and continue and maintain their own heritage. I think that most people around the world, whether you talk about people across the African continent, the Asian continent, the European continent, the Americas, I think that most people that identify with that for their own people. It’s funny that the media is very happy when some tribe of Indians in the Amazons will preserve their culture, their heritage, their way of life; and that’s permissible, that’s positive, that’s good. But if Europeans talk about that, they don’t want to see massive immigration into Europe, massive immigration into the United States, and a complete change of our culture, heritage, religion, values from this immigration and somehow we’re hateful. And somehow we’re supremacists. It’s not supremacy to want to preserve your own heritage. In fact, I believe in these kinds of principles for all peoples. I’m not hypocritical like the Jewish activists, those who want to preserve Jewish heritage. There’s no people on earth who work harder to preserve their own heritage than the Jewish people. In fact, every major Jewish organization around the world work against intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews. Every major synagogue, every major Jewish group, works very hard to prevent intermarriage. They oppose intermarriage.

“But if I oppose intermarriage for my European people, then I’m called a hater and a bigot. But I don’t see the newspapers, I don’t see the magazines, I don’t see television calling the organized Jewish community bigots. I don’t think it’s wrong that the Jewish community wants to preserve their heritage. There’s nothing wrong with that than with any other people on the planet. But when they throw on epithets such as supremacism, supremacist, racial hate, or racist, by those definitions the way they define it, and I guess they have the media, so they can define it, I am not a racist, but by those definitions, I guarantee that you could make a very good case that Israel is a racist country. The United Nations ruled as such. They were able, through tremendous pressure to get that revoked. It didn’t change the fact that it’s a reality. Israel is about the Jewish people, and they speak very pejoratively against the non-Jewish people. They treat the Palestinians worse than dogs. You don’t mass murder dogs, but the Palestinians have literally been genocided. They’ve made life so terrible for Palestinian men, women and children that they’ve cause literally hundreds of thousands to leave their homelands, leave the West Bank, and that’s been their desire. They’ve created a huge concentration camp in West Bank and Gaza….”
Hear Dr. Duke’s entire MP3 file here:
