
David Duke answers a letter from a young Gentile who wants to become an orthodox Jew

Hello,  my name is Travis. I was wondering why do you hate jews so much? I’m 17 and christian and studying to become orthodox jewish.  Why are you so hateful? What the hell have jews done to you?  — Travis

From Dr. David Duke:

Dear Travis,

I gather from your email, that you have a real question that may be hidden under your “Why do you hate Jews” question. That question is like a “Why do you hate your wife” question.

I don’t hate Jews, but as do many Jews themselves, I have a real problem with hard-core Judaism and Jewish extremism.

If you just want to rag on me and not understand why I have the opinions that I do, then go ahead and be afraid of learning things which might change your views. I may be wrong about things, but I am willing to put my beliefs at risk, and I do so every day, as I believe that we must go wherever the truth leads!

Travis, you can do what you want, have whatever opinions you want. But I suggest that before you go and devote your life to something, you read both sides of the issue. I mean, really keep an open mind — and read both sides.

If you are intellectually courageous enough I suggest you read some chapters out of my book My Awakening or Jewish Supremacism about Judaism. All my writings are extremely well documented and footnoted. You can also listen to those chapters, as I have them available on mp3. You can read or listen to those chapters absolutely free, though you may want to read them so you can look at the footnotes and check them out.

Here is the introduction to my book Jewish Supremacism.


You will find many quotes by conscientious Jews on the subject as well as my own observations.

Here is the link to some chapters on the Jewish Question from My Awakening.


I suggest you go to the 1st three chapters of Part III The Jewish Question, and read them carefully and think and consider the evidence there very carefully. I also advise you to do your own independent Internet or library research as well.

Here is the link for the audio MP3 version of My Awakening. FREE.


Years and years of my life has gone into this study. I have talked to thousands of people, from professors to Senators, Prime Ministers,  researchers, scientists, ministers and yes, even rabbis.

Once you look into any of these resources I am providing to you, you are welcome to write me back with any questions you might have. I will try to find time in my busy schedule to answer you. All I ask on your part is that you simply take the time to fully understand a different point of view.

By the way, I also like very much a site run by Jewish intellectuals in Israel called Daat Emet, these scholars expose the hateful, racist, supremacist nature at the core of Judaism. The Jews who do this site are brave men who, although they suffer greatly for their truth-telling, are trying to change path of Israel and Jewish supremacy for the sake of all mankind and for the sake of the Jewish people themselves.

I once had the same opinion on the Jewish question as you do now. I researched it, thought about it, even prayed about it,  and eventually changed my opinions. Speaking out about it has afforded me great difficulties, as the Jewish extremists have great power in media, finance and politics. Sometimes hardship and suffering is the price of freedom and the price of truth. The world is moving very rapidly to my point of view on this important subject.

With respect and good wishes to you,

Dr. David Duke